The Paydirt Blog

You Can Now Re-Order Your Jobs And Move Them Between Projects

Another new feature! You can now order your jobs however you like, and move them between projects by dragging and dropping them. Like everything in Paydirt, it’s fast, and super simple.

Re-order your jobs by simply dragging them by their handle:

Your jobs in the time tracker will update their order instantly. That’s just how we roll:

You can even drag your jobs between projects:

This is handy if you decide to start using projects after you’ve already added a few jobs, or if a you’re tracking time for a long-running job that becomes part of a new project.

Stay tuned for even more new features. We’re currently working hard to make the time tracker even better, and adding the ability to pause and resume your timers.

Posted on

December 7, 2012

Start tracking time for free!




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